Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Teenage Acne Issues

Because teens are going through a lot of hormonal changes in their body that come with puberty acne is a common result. Acne shows up in a variety of means with the most common being bumps of one form or another. These bumps can become inflamed, irritating and sore to touch. Not to mention that for teens it is an unwelcome attention grabbing mark on their skin

Severe acne can be extremely traumatic to a teenager, causing life long physical and emotional scars. Severe acne also can have a significant impact on how teenagers view themselves with some serious effects. These effects can include social withdrawal, poor body image, low self-esteem and self-confidence, embarrassment, depression, anger and frustration. These all have an impact on a teen's life and as such acne should not be taken lightly.

Because teens are going through a lot of hormonal changes in their body that come with puberty acne is a common result. Acne shows up in a variety of means with the most common being bumps of one form or another. These bumps can become inflamed, irritating and sore to touch. Not to mention that for teens it is an unwelcome attention grabbing mark on their skin

Acne can be hereditary, meaning that if the teen's parents had it when they were growing up then there is a chance that the teen will more susceptible to acne. Generally acne will disappear at the end of the "teens" but it can continue into adulthood. It typically appears on the face, neck, shoulders, back, chest and buttocks. So it is fairly visible which can cause social issues for the affected teen depending on the severity.

The skin's pores contain oil glands that produce oil called sebum. This oil lubricates the skin and hair helping to keep the skin waterproof and clean. Because of the teens hormonal changes during puberty their glands begin to produce too much sebum which when combined with dirt and dead skin cells can cause the pore to become clogged. If these blocked pores become clogged with bacteria stuck inside, then these pores can become infected with the bacteria, which then causes swellings or bumps and inflammation.

There are different kinds of acne as follows:

Whiteheads - non-inflamed build-ups, on the surface
Blackheads - clogged but not infected
Pimples - clogged and infected, slightly deeper in the skin
Nodules or Cysts (the most severe) - very infected and deep!

There are many reasons for acne to appear; amongst them are a few myths. Eating lots of chocolate or fatty food will not cause acne; it may however irritate existing acne.

As with most health issues, there are many different causes, which can be different for each person. Diet can play a part in acne. Food allergies can cause "breakouts", as can some medications. Stress whilst not a cause directly can also play a part in worsening existing acne, since stress increases the amount of sebum produced.

The simplest method to assist in preventing the oil build-up is to wash your face twice a day with a mild soap and warm water. Scrubbing will not work. It will in fact make acne worse because it will irritate the skin and pores. Wash as gently as you can.

Some people claim that sunshine is good for the skin. While it may give you a tan to help hide the discoloration caused by the acne, it will not prevent acne, because sunlight causes extra oil to be produced it may even have a detrimental effect. If using cosmetics, make sure that oil free cosmetics are used and make sure they are removed properly.

There are many creams and lotions available in the shops these days, the main ones contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, which help to prevent acne and clear it up at the same time. Try different ones till you find one that works and do follow the directions properly. Remember there is no such thing as an instant fix!

If acne continues after trying the simple things then it may be time to consult your doctor or a dermatologist. They may be able to help prevent acne with prescription medicines.

The main thing to remember is that if you have a pimple, don't touch it, your hands have oil on them, don't squeeze it, or pick at it. Whilst it is very tempting to try to remove it this way, it will only make it worse, or cause a permanent scar.

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Teenage Acne Prevention

For a teenager, an outbreak of acne can be socially debilitating. Lets face it, teenagers can be cruel and unthinking at times. Prevention of acne is the best course of action.

During the adolescent years, the body’s metabolism is hyperactive and the oil secretion is higher than normal. Acne occurs when the pores are blocked and the oil or sebum cannot flow freely to the surface. It is important to remember that everyone has different skin type and a product that may work wonderfully for one , may not work at all for another. When trying new acne products, only use one at any given time and give it sufficient time to work. You may not notice results, good or bad for one to two weeks. Follow the treatment as indicated and don’t stop mid way because you see some signs of improvement or at times you may need to use the treatment even after you are totally cured.

There are lots of products on the market for acne. The problem is that some of the good acne treatments are very expensive and some of the cheaper acne products can dry out the skin and even worsen the condition. It is very important to use acne products that are gentle and that will not strip your skin of the natural moisture it needs to remain healthy.

Clearpores is an all natural herbal acne treatment that gently removes pimple causing oils and dirt without damaging the skin. In fact, with regular use, you will notice old scars fading away leaving a beautiful, clear complexion.

Remember, Acne Prevention starts from home with the basic simple things such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercise and plenty of water.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Does Hormones Causes Teenage Acne?

Do not get a tan when you are having acne problems. This will only cause your acne to aggravate. It may seem that when you get a tan your redness disappears and you look much better, in fact this can serve to make it worse. There are risk often associated with tanning and tanning bedssuch as the skin damage that can occur, and this may hurt more than it will help.

One of the similarity in feature between pustules and papules in that they are small, round lesions. Very much different to papules, pustules are severely inflamed and contain pus which sometimes can be highly visible. They may appear red at the base with a yellowish or whitish center. Most people will assume that because the presence of pus, acne pustule must be filled with bacteria. This may not be entirely true.

Teenagers are the most prone to suffering acne problems due to the fact that their hormones level somehow cause the glands to produce more oil.Primary oil producer in the skin is located near the hair pores also known as follicles. A problem may arise when the skin over produce the top layer and cause the keratin to plug the sebaceous glands pathway. Sebum is an ideal location for bacteria to breed, even more so when the oil are somehow blocked. Inflammations of the skin are caused when the body tries to fight the bacteria and blood vessel surrounding the area will expand to allow your antibody to fight.When your body starts to fight an infection, you’ll notice pus developing.

Over production of oil by the sebaceous gland may sometimes be triggered by the hormonal fluctuations. Sebum is secreted by the sebaceous gland and as the hormone level triggers its enlargement, the amount of sebum will also increase. High amount of sebum and the blocked pores will give rise to a optimum condition for bacteria to breed. The appearance of acne is due to the presence of bacteria feeding of the excess oil causing the skin in the area to inflame. As the initial mechanism that triggers this condition is due to the hormonal changes, therefore we can see that most of adolescents suffers from acne breakouts.Apart from that the hormonal changes can also cause physiological changes in teenagers which will also trigger acne problems.

Acne is a common problem among teens, and it is not always clear up by adulthood. Getting rid of acne is a quest that you have to take with precautions as there are a lot of treatments that may or not be compatible to you.

Read more on: Home remedies for teenage acne

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Effects of Teenage Acne - How to deal with these condition

Acne is probably the most common condition of the skin in the world today. Well, it may also create more meaningful picture of oneself and emotional problems for a majority of the people who suffer from it, particularly adolescents. The emotional scars left by acne can be very damaging to those who suffer from it. The problem is that doctors and dermatologists can treat the physical aspects of acne, but if it persists acne emotional trauma can be very high.

For teenagers it is much more the case then those who suffer from adult acne. For a teenager who happens to your puberty a mismo-mage whole revolves around how they look. You can determine who their friends and how others perceive them and treated. The social impact of adolescent acne can be very high and may lead to fighting depression, shame, and the compassion of oneself. If you are the father of a teenager suffering from acne here is several tips to help you help them deal with their condition.

• The acne is temporary-recuérdelas who have acne is not a permanent condition. Well get older it fade away and nobody would be the wiser. Also recuérdelos that those who laugh at them or make a mockery are not the type of people who would like as friends.

• Find good dermatologist-it is your responsibility to see that your child sees dermatologist who is well versed in treating acne teenager. Sooner you get your teenager to a doctor the better. His mood changed when they see quick results and a dermatologist are you best bet. It is important that you respond to all appointments with your teenager because it gives you the penetration of the problem and will help you help the child to follow the directions of doctors.

• Address parental-Make sure you explain to your teen what he or she can do in the country to help reduce the effects of acne. Things such as keeping your skin clean, drink plenty of water and eat healthy food.

• Boost your self-confidence in dealing with constant pressure constant torque, the jokes and ridicule that comes with acne can have a profound effect on self-confidence any teenager. It's up to you to be there for them, to keep their morale high while trying their status.

The deal with the effects of teenage acne can take time, patience and care. Being there for a teenager who suffers checking oneself and that affects the image associated with acne can go long way toward making him not only feel better about themselves only he can also help accelerate the healing process.

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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Simple Teenage Acne Treatment Solution

Each year, more than 20 million adolescents from all cultures and nationalities who suffer from acne. The onset and duration of acne can be emotionally devastating for teens, mainly because they are going through a period of extreme self-consciousness about their physical appearance and body image. However, it is important to know that over 85% of the population in the United States has been affected by some form of acne during their lives. In fact, acne is a disorder of the skin most commonly known.

During adolescence, a person will want to look and feel better. But unfortunately, this is often not the moment that this wish will be granted. Normally, during the period of adolescence, acne is severe, mostly, and almost inevitable, most likely due to the constantly changing levels of hormones in the body of the teenager.

Acne is more likely to occur at times of hormonal imbalance. The hormonal imbalance causes oil to increase secretions and mixed with dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. This combination results in acne. Although acne going to happen, there are some methods and techniques that can be used to prevent and reduce adolescent acne.

At the onset of puberty, the body begins to produce androgens, which are a type of hormone. In general, most children who experience severe acne teenage girls because the male hair follicles in the skin become blocked very easily. Once again oil is combined with the dead skin and dirt in the hair follicle, acne occurs in the form of redness, pimples or pustules on the skin surface.

A good system of the skin can help reduce or prevent adolescent acne. Following this general scheme, help reduce the intensity of outbreaks and acne. It is advisable to wash the facial skin with cold water every hour, especially after exercise or work. Before bed, a mild soap and astringent be used to remove any remaining dirt, makeup, dead skin and pores. After washing his face, an acne cream prevention can be used, especially if there are acne activity. Most over-the-counter acne creams consist of sulfur, retinoic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or azelaic acid. There are more natural products including powdered sandalwood, cedar, herbal masks, aloe, lavender oil, rosewater, lemon juice and clay masks.

In addition to an adequate system of skin care, a teenager from the diet dramatically affect the occurrence and severity of acne. A diet rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin E and zinc is highly recommended by professional skin care. Such a diet consist of foods such as nuts, liver, eggs, milk, fish and green leafy vegetables such as spinach.

Despite a crowd of over-the-counter and home remedies herbal available for the treatment of acne, which does not always work properly. If your child does not respond to these teen in a month or so, it is highly advisable to see a dermatologist. If treatment is not successful, it could lead to permanent scarring and decreased self-esteem in your child.

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